Our Story


Coucou! I’m Dom — Wellness Educator, Experience Curator, & Founder of Well in France 

Since moving to Paris in 2018, I've been on a mission to create a life that celebrates both my love for French culture and my obsession with all-things wellness.

I'm a francophile with a Californian soul. I’ve come to believe that wellness isn’t about following rules (been there, done that), but about connecting to what feeds our most vibrant self (so much more fun!)

For me, that might look like Kundalini, coffee, and a solo stroll along the Seine. Other times it’s pizza and champagne in the company of great friends. The rules are, you make your own rules. Wellness is multidimensional, highly personal, and ever-evolving as we are. And it’s so much fun to explore.

Inspired by my own ongoing wellness journey, I created Well in France as a place to celebrate the beauty of balanced living and the simplicity of well-being. Through our events, retreats, and resources we explore ways to make wellness simple, beautiful, and doable for those of us who feel like it’s impossible to fit in.

Here you’re invited to be part of a growing community, to get inspired by curated wellness experiences, and learn what you need to live your most vibrant life — in France, or anywhere life takes you.

xo, Dom


My Journey to Real-Life Wellness

In 2018, my husband and I quit our jobs, sold our belongings, packed up a few suitcases, and moved ourselves and our 2-year-old son to Paris for one simple reason:

To see if the French way of life was indeed the dream of balance and pleasure that we’d experienced on vacation. (So cute and naive, right?)

For the first year - it was a dream! We traveled, explored, indulged in all the local delicacies… we explored different job opportunities, but took our time. We felt so alive, joyful, inspired. 

It all felt too good to be true. 

But not long afterwards, my life started to resemble the one I left in San Francisco… 

I got a job at a tech startup, I worked longer hours than I ever did back home, and found myself putting all my healthy habits and joy-sparking activities on hold for the almighty paycheck. 

Although I thought of myself as ‘wellness fanatic’, my daily routine wasn’t looking so healthy:

→ I was painfully sedentary, planted at a desk all day.

→ I was fueled by coffee and sugar.

→ I was craving that first glass of wine as soon as I walked through the door at night.

Any energy I had left went towards the family dinner and bedtime routine. Then I’d crash and repeat the same thing, day after day.

Maybe this is just grown-up life? I thought. Maybe we have to sacrifice optimal health for adult responsibilities?

But I knew I could do better. I knew this grind wasn’t sustainable OR enjoyable.

After all, I’d moved to France to live a more balanced, joyful, pleasure-filled life! So something needed to change…

With baby number two on the way (and no end to ‘adult responsibilities’ in sight) I enrolled in a year-long Health Coach certification program. I didn’t even know if I’d become a coach for others, but I knew I needed to coach myself!

At the end of the program, my brain was packed with knowledge on how to to live and feel my best. But my biggest takeaway was this:


In fact, it’s ridiculously simple.

Good sleep. Real food. Hydration. Movement. Deep breaths. Time in nature. Human connection…

It’s not about finding the perfect diet or exercise regimen or health-tech tool to finally feel better.

It’s about mastering the (boring) basics. Focusing on a few simple habits and tiny upgrades to elevate how we feel and function every day.

This is what led me to create the Well in France community. It’s a place to celebrate, explore, and practice the simple things that makes us feel most alive. So we can learn how to best nurture ourselves, and bring our best to the world. ❤️

Wellness Workshop Paris

Ready to Immerse Yourself in Authentic-to-You Wellness? Let’s Go.